Cenon 3.9.0 - at a glance
This page gives an overview of the new features of Cenon 3.9.0. Each major feature is explained with an image and a short text.
The screenshots on this page show the Apple user interface with varying themes.
More Image formats supported: JPG, PNG, GIF, ...

The Image-Inspector now offers more image formats like JPG, PNG, and GIF including their compression algorythms. Up to now, Cenon offered the TIFF format with it's limitated compression. Now all image formats that are supported by the system can be used with Cenon.
To reduce the file format it is best to save as JPG. This will sacrifice the transparency (alpha channel). If the transparency of an image is needed, PNG is a good way to go.

New Template and Mask functions

Cenon supports new template functionality: You can add the date (of printing) into the document. Additionally, you can add any graphics elements on the template layers for even and odd pages and get them printed on all of these (even or odd) pages.
To add the date, you simply place a text with the date format on one of the template layers (see Layer-Details in the manual). The date format has to start with the prefix "#DATE_" and has to end with "#". In between you define your date format using the following syntax:
- %Y, %y = year (2009 / 09)
- %m = month (08)
- %d, %e = day (27)
- %H = hour (10)
- %M = minute (41)
- %S = second (%F = millisecond)
- %Z, %z = time zone
- %A, %a, %w = week day (Thursday / THU / 4)
- %B, %b = month (August, Aug)
- %I = 12 hour time (%p = AM or PM)
#DATE_%Y-%m-%d %H:%M# -> 2010-06-21 10:41
Project Settings

In the Cenon-Menu, directly below Preferences you will find a new Menu entry "Project Settings ...". This will display the Project-Settings Panel. In the General Pane, you can now set the unit of measurement for the Document/Project.

Batch Printing

Batch Printing:
When printing a batch, you now can exclude a single layer from the batch. This allows to use layers for special purposes like templates or crop marks.
The batch printing of Cenon allows you to multiples without copying the graphics. This saves effort and space for example when printing labels.
- Handling of Image improved, especially clipped images
- Many improvements for editing Text, Paragraph-Colors, ...
- Pasting of multiple layers keeps the order
- Axial Filling improved
- File-Extensions may be capital or small (PDF, pdf)
- PostScript-Import is more error tolerant with exports from Windows applications.
- Gerber-Export: Export of open paths improved.
- Apple: many improvements of the Look&Feel, Workarounds, Cosmetics, etc.
- Linux: Reunion - only one source package needed for Apple und Linux. Linux is now sharing the Interface Files with Apple. Also many changes to make Cenon complient with the latest GNUstep libraries.
The complete List of Changes